NWR Silly Little Things That Annoy You

The regulatory security screening can easily be preceded by a sentence explaining politely that the organisation wishes to speak with you but needs to ask security questions in order to ensure they are addressing the correct person.
“They should absolutely approach the call in the way that irks you”
This mindset is absolutely wrong when engaging with what used to be regarded as “Valued Customers”
When I raised the issue with my bank, I was told that I could ask security questions of them, like what was the last transaction in the account. Surprised actually that this is not formalised with a password that the bank sets up for you to demand. Or of course you could always call them back.

I realise there are potential flaws in those methods, but no security is perfect, and they are better than nothing.
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Grrr... indeed. I refuse to participate in the vast majority of feedback requests, as they usually seem to used as a stick with which to beat employees. It seems meaningless to always give the mandatory top marks for a simple service that was performed correctly, and also to give lower scores without being able to explain what the problem was, which often has nothing to do with the person who would get the stick.
And when it comes to emails, you people in the UK have got no idea how lucky you are. I have just had an email from a Govt department that uses so many Maori words that I seriously have got no idea what it is about. It has got totally out of hand here. You wouldn't want to be a person from a non English speaking country who arrives in NZ thinking you have got a decent enough grasp of English to get by in day to day life and work.
Along similar lines to some of the above, whenever I get an email that starts with "I am reaching out to you" it gets deleted straight away without even reading any further.
‘A gentle reminder’ is one that irks me because it is passive aggressive and can be intended to intimidate as it may mean you are one warning away from being sanctioned in some way.
Web systems requiring accounts to be set up for which the password parameters (not even minimum and maximum character length) are not specified before you try to create one. The worst will go through several stages, e.g., first too many or not enough characters and only after you have something with the right length trigger requirements on numbers, special characters, and capitals
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Web systems requiring accounts to be set up for which the password parameters (not even minimum and maximum character length) are not specified before you try to create one. The worst will go through several stages, e.g., first too many or not enough characters and only after you have something with the right length trigger requirements on numbers, special characters, and capitals
And websites that have an ideosyncratic idea of what a special character is, but refuse tell you their definition. To be fair, I've only encountered one like that, but it took me a long time to figure out what the problem was
The latest irrational annoyance at what I consider to be mispronunciation: abhorrent enunciated as two words, the second beginning with a harshly aspirated h. No doubt another imported Americanism (cf the equally ridiculous schedule with a hard ch).
I may have mentioned this before but it doesn’t get any easier to deal with.

Listening to the Today programme on R4 and hearing someone in the background tapping away on a keyboard in the midst of an interview.
I may have mentioned this before but it doesn’t get any easier to deal with.

Listening to the Today programme on R4 and hearing someone in the background tapping away on a keyboard in the midst of an interview.
Has it ever occurred to you that someone is being held captive and that might be morse code you can hear in the background? Perhaps the presenter is chained to their desk and is trying to get a subtle message across.
Opening the front door this morning to discover that yet again the milkman has only done half the job - there is a fresh pint there, but all the empties are still cluttering up my doorstep…
Opening the front door this morning to discover that yet again the milkman has only done half the job - there is a fresh pint there, but all the empties are still cluttering up my doorstep…
We weren't getting fresh milk - it was always short-dated, and occasionally on, or even past, its use-by date, not to mention the time spent outside on hot summer days. The milkman shared our frustration, but had to deliver what the dairy gave him. We finally gave up on deliveries when we realised we could easily get fresher milk for a whole week in one supermarket shop. I can only presume that supermarkets insisted on the freshest milk, while the dairy's direct customers got whatever was left.
News articles referring to "X" that persist on its first usage in pointing out that it was "formerly Twitter". It still seems to be almost all news services (I think that Guardian might recently have stopped).

[I don't use X [btw, formerly Twitter] and hate everything about it, but there seem to have been references to X for months and months and surely anyone who is aware of "X" knows now that it use to be Twitter?]