NWR Silly little things that delight you

Travelling on the top deck of a London bus just people watching as the bus trundles along. I still feel like a kid when I do it.
Although I grew up in London I didn't do this very often - when travelling with my mother she always chose the lower floor, and when I was on my own I wasn't all that keen on the fug - smoking was allowed on the top deck at the time. I did sometimes get up to the top deck when the bus was relatively empty, and I do use the top deck when I can these days.
One effect of the recent measures locally is that local bus routes here in Northampton which normally have single decker buses have been run recently with double deckers to give more space.
I was buying some clobber off an unfamiliar internet merchant. When it came to supplying my personal details, the drop down list for Title didn’t just include boring old Mr, Mrs and Dr, but also the likes of Prof, Wg Cdr, Lt-Gen and even Monsignor.

Anything outside of the boring old binary?
Having had a Catholic childhood I was strongly tempted, Paul, but fear of feeling guilty prevailed in the end!

I do however enjoy making myself a lot more venerable than I really am when confirming my age to enter the J&B website.
Pointless but difficult throwing stunts:

  • clothes into a laundry basket from long range
  • ball of paper into the bin (3 pointers preferred)
  • a peanut into a colleagues pint glass (whilst held at chest level so no easy feat)*
Great fun...

* this might be niche one to me and I had my colleague's permission before you ask! Only one attempt was required...
Pointless but difficult throwing stunts:

  • clothes into a laundry basket from long range
  • ball of paper into the bin (3 pointers preferred)
  • a peanut into a colleagues pint glass (whilst held at chest level so no easy feat)*
Great fun...

* this might be niche one to me and I had my colleague's permission before you ask! Only one attempt was required...

There’s also the peanut/malteser etc etc directly into someone’s mouth...
It's Friday lunchtime in the Highlands. I've been at work since Thursday morning and I finish Sunday evening; decent amounts of sleep are likely but not guaranteed. Sitting down to lunch I get bleeped twice and answer. I'm then bleeped again by switchboard, apologising for three calls in a row but saying there's now a GP at reception who wants to see me. I go. They'd popped in because they were driving back from the nearby port and had brought me some dressed crab and turbot fillets to help me through the weekend.

I'd thought they were an excellent GP beforehand. It wasn't a judgement made solely under the influence of flatfish.
It's Friday lunchtime in the Highlands. I've been at work since Thursday morning and I finish Sunday evening; decent amounts of sleep are likely but not guaranteed. Sitting down to lunch I get bleeped twice and answer. I'm then bleeped again by switchboard, apologising for three calls in a row but saying there's now a GP at reception who wants to see me. I go. They'd popped in because they were driving back from the nearby port and had brought me some dressed crab and turbot fillets to help me through the weekend.

I'd thought they were an excellent GP beforehand. It wasn't a judgement made solely under the influence of flatfish.
Can Turbot fit in an autoclave?