Not silly but, for me, little and delightful. Namely the hedgehogs nightly frequenting our (I guess one would call it) suburban garden.
Until a couple of years ago I had no idea we might have our after dusk visitors until I started noticing lawn and path pooh droppings which I didn't recognise until using a certain search engine. From then it was a matter of putting food and water out and taking time out to sit out quietly on our rear patio to see what came along (other than our Cats Protection rescue ginger & white hunter killer & the dusk circling bats). I've geared up being more consistent & reliable in terms of feeding this year which has paid spikey dividends. Now a matter of almost being able to set one's watch as to at least one hedgehog turning up quickly even before its properly dusk/dark - on occasion I've gone to put the food out and the recipient is waiting for me on the patio !
As best I can tell, and without sitting out all night (no thanks), there's at least 2 visitors nightly although my record is seeing 3 hedgehogs on our back lawn at one time - one quite small so presumably a youngster accompanying mother. They can be quite choosy re food and have totally refused one supermarket offering but I get specific hedgehog food from my online bird food supplier & the hedgehogs love it. Our local garden centre has had a pellet, cat biscuit, type food (although its been out of stock recently) which I've offered alongside the favoured online food & the hedgehogs like both - it being amusing to hear them crunching the second type.
Their visits can last up to 15/20 minutes at one time, though generally shorter, but they can & do return more than once. The two regulars come from different directions - one via the front/side of the house, the other through a gap where our back fence & side fences almost meet (we're on a corner). If their visits coincide its quite apparent they don't like each other ! A local vet told me last year they (hedgehogs) are quite territorial which I can see - except where food is concerned ! One hog is quite a bit larger than the other and readily shows aggression towards the smaller one if they meet by much grunting and bodily shoving which prompts the smaller one to roll into a ball.
All in all quite fascinating, as is:- a) that our neighbours around about (mostly elderly) have no idea of the hedgehogs as I've learnt from conversations; b) our cat's reaction or rather no reaction - on a number of occasions he's walked past within inches of the feeding hedgehog and never even glances at it - equally the hog doesn't seem at all fazed by the cat, and c) how very quickly indeed the hedgehogs can move when they have a mind - amusing to see them take off rapidly on little short legs across the lawn to the shelter of the shrubs etc akin to battery powered or clockwork mice.