Wine in Music

I'm guessing we don't want to include beer (or lager and crisps), but Good Ale by the Copper Family is a wonderful folk song, and one of my favourite of all songs about alcohol.

I have a wonderful record called "Country Drinking Songs", bought in a charity shop for 50p, and featuring this fine Willie Nelson contribution:

But yes, we should stick to wine!
G&S have lots of wine references...including sherry!

Dance a cachucha, fandango, bolero,
Xeres we'll drink — Manzanilla, Montego —
Wine, when it runs in abundance, enhances
The reckless delight of that wildest of dances

Oh God................
I'm only citing an example, plus of course I take great delight in being uncool with my musical scholarship when everyone else is so much cooler. Mind you, I did have to take Can's Tago Mago off yesterday as the builders were beginning to think they were working for a know how that album starts out almost normal and then gets more avant as it progresses...