Maison Ilan

I am told, by someone I know and trust, but who does not want to be named, that the douane have seized all of Maison Ilan's 2014 and 2015 wines to recompense unpaid growers.

If you have ordered any of this you may not be too late to protect it. I gather Ray has fled the country.
I received an email today stating that all wines up to the 13 and 14 vintages would be shipped this autumn and that they were adding staff to improve the customer service experience.
I also received the email Dan mentions above and reading in between the lines it was more delays and issues at MI.

In all seriousness I hope there are no forumites with wine outstanding now (I got lucky by visiting the domaine twice and collecting by hand then stopped buying)

On a lighter note, these wines maybe become a whole new kind of rare collectors item.
I couldn't resist a morbid peek at WB - seems like there is a brother in on the act and making wine too.

You couldn't make it up - from a fairytale to a nightmare.
Todd French reported on the 19th in Wine Beserkers, that the reason for the officials getting involved isn't unpaid growers but " that all assets of the corporation are locked pending a divorce".

I can confirm that I had a telephone conversation with Ray January/February this year that he told me then that the marriage had broken down and he had not seen the children for months. Though I would be somewhat bemused that the Courts would seize assets in such a civil matter, especially when the asset concerned had already got another owner and that could clearly be proved.
I stopped with the 10s and then apologised to everyone that he'd been on my site a lot, 'promoting'

I feel sorry for him - but more for customers and creditors if things don't work out - but I have to say I was not tempted to buy anything from him, largely because I was uneasy that all he registered on this forum for was to publicise and sell his wines it appeared to me, and after his second year of what was clearly a commercial sales pitch I had a quiet word by PM, which he answered very rudely. On a personal level I wanted nothing to do with his wines because of his attitude, which with hindsight might have been a godsend...